
Domatters maintains the website for creatly and performs Baidu seo optimization.

Business issues:

Creately provide Plan, brainstorm or design anything, visually in China marketing since June,2020.When initially entering the Chinese market, Creatly had very little grasp of the Chinese market, and there were no Chinese employees in the team. Domatters was needed to help Creatly analyze the Chinese market and improve Creatly’s popularity and exposure.


Through keyword optimization, domatter displays the relevant information of the creatly website first, improves the ranking of the website, and realizes the conversion of traffic. At the same time, domatters also creates high-quality original articles for Creatly, keeps updating the website every day, and improves the ranking of the website for Creatly.


The market research data provided by domatter gave Creatly a comprehensive understanding of the Chinese market. Creatly successfully opened the Chinese market through Baidu seo optimization and achieved traffic conversion.

Let’s Make Things Happen


Jeff Lee

Marketing Consultant Expert

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